
English,عربى,Español,日本語,한국어,Português,Русский,简体中文,繁体中文.,,WebofScienceCoreCollection(WOS)isaresearchplatformforsciences,socialsciences,artandhumanitiesdisinclineanditintegratesseveraldatabases ...,Welcome!SignintocontinuewithWebofScience...Bysigningin,youacknowledgeandagreetoourTermsofUseandPrivacyStatement.Needhelp?Contactus.,,WebofScienceCoreCollection(原名「WebofScience」,...


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Web of Knowledge

Web of Science Core Collection (WOS) is a research platform for sciences, social sciences, art and humanities disincline and it integrates several databases ...

Web of Science

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Web of Science Core Collection(原名「Web of Science」,自2014 年起更名為「Web of Science Core Collection」;同時,此資料庫之檢索平台「Web of Knowledge」則 ...


WEB OF KNOWLEDGE. --WEB OF SCIENCE--. 碩睿資訊有限公司. Page 2. 研究發表工具之利用. Web of Science. (SCIE, SSCI, AHCI). EndNote. Journal Citation Reports. (JCR).


Web of Science 核心合輯中索引的每個期刊,至少會指派給一個研究領域。研究領域可依照該研究領域代表的廣義主題,幫助您篩選檢索結果集。


WEB OF KNOWLEDGE. -WEB OF SCIENCE + ENDNOTE ONLINE. 碩睿資訊有限公司. Page 2. 認識WOS. Page 3. ○ 期刊選擇考量面向. 期刊出版. 編輯內容. 國際多樣性.